
58 pages 1 hour read

Amartya Sen

Development As Freedom

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1999

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Introduction-Chapter 2Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Introduction Summary

Sen opens the book with a deceptively simple proposal that overturns economists’ typical ideas about economic development: He argues that development should be measured by increases in people’s freedom rather than by gross national product (GNP) or other purely economic measures. For example, considering political participation or education as important only if it boosts GNP misconstrues the goal of development. Civil rights and education should be valued in themselves. A simple measure of income per capita in a country also misses the fact that, for example, citizens of China or Sri Lanka have dramatically longer life expectancies than citizens of countries with higher per capita GNPs (like South Africa), as well as longer life expectancies than African Americans within the wealthy United States. So, GNP fails to capture the actual quality of life that these different people experience. Sen argues that freedom should be the evaluative measure of success and that it also is a key instrument for achieving that success.

Since freedoms are interconnected, supporting people’s free agency in any one area helps achieve development in other areas, as well. Sen warns against a simplistic view of market-oriented economies. He says free markets are good, but they need contextualizing. When Sen was a child, a Muslim day laborer named Kader Mia died on Sen’s front doorstep, killed for working in a Hindu neighborhood at a tumultuous time. Technically, Kader Mia chose to work in this richer neighborhood in the free market; in reality, however, he had little choice if he wanted to buy food. The desperation that drove Kader Mia to take on unsafe work for poor pay is a systematic problem that must be addressed. His fate also shows how social, political, and economic issues intertwine.

In Sen’s usage, the words “freedom” and “unfreedom” encompass broader categories than how people typically think of them. Freedom, for example, includes the freedom to eat enough and to access healthcare. Poverty that limits people’s access to these goods therefore is an “unfreedom.” Freedom also includes noneconomic criteria. This book analyzes five types of freedom: “(1) political freedoms, (2) economic facilities, (3) social opportunities, (4) transparency guarantees and (5) protective security” (10). These freedoms range from meeting people’s survival needs to full political participation and the free flow of economic information.

Chapter 1 Summary

Sen tells a story from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, an ancient Indian scripture, in which a woman sadly concludes that having all the wealth in the world would not help her achieve the immortality she desires. In the Western tradition, Aristotle also taught that wealth is not a good in itself but rather a means to achieve something else. Wealth is a convenient tool that enables us to achieve goods such as longer life, freedom from hunger, and opportunities to act as we desire. However, these goods also depend on other influences on our lives that wealth cannot control. Furthermore, the amount of money needed to obtain goods will also vary according to society and circumstance. Therefore, measuring income—while important—does not truly measure how successfully a society gives its members an opportunity for a good life.

“Unfreedoms”—situations that deprive a person of a freedom—take many forms, including poverty, famine, lack of healthcare, gender inequality, and infringements on civil rights. While the “Lee thesis” argues that a harsh political system can lead to economic gains, the evidence for it is weak. Democratic leaders have to respond to public unhappiness with a poor economy while autocrats are insulated from this. Furthermore, political liberty is an important goal in itself. Freedom and unfreedom consist of both “processes” and “opportunities.” “Processes” refer to the systems and laws in place, such as having or not having voting rights. “Opportunities” refer to the actual ability people have to make choices in their particular circumstances or to avoid threats to their freedoms, including freedom from want. For instance, the lack of adequate healthcare in a region would be an unfreedom, based on lack of opportunity. Both processes and opportunities are important, but there must be an actual opportunity to exercise freedom for it to count as substantial or concrete.

Freedom, in this analysis, specifically means the freedom of individual people. Enhancing their “capabilities” (having free agency and opportunity to pursue what they value as goods) is both the goal of development and a key means of obtaining it. It is a two-way relationship. Top-down models of development—in which the government or an agency delivers goods and services to a passive population—misunderstand the purpose of development and fail to unlock the creative potential of people’s own agency. This is an issue of effectiveness.

Freedom also should be the evaluative measure of success, as Sen will analyze in detail in Chapter 3. Other common evaluative schemes fall short. Economic focus on income, utilitarian concern with mental satisfaction, and libertarian concern with the processes of freedom without attention to results all identify important aspects of successful development, but they miss the overarching goal of full freedom. Freedom also includes the ability to freely enter into contracts or sell one’s labor in the market—and this is a good in itself, even if the evidence is not strongly in favor of the economic outcomes of free markets. Even Karl Marx thought the transition from enslavement to free market labor at the end of the American Civil War was a good thing.

The mortality rates of African Americans in the United States (especially males) illustrate the problem of how to evaluate development. While their income is higher than that of comparable populations in China or Indian states like Kerala, they die younger on average than their Chinese or Indian counterparts. Clearly, measuring development based solely on income misses key aspects of their experience and the basic freedom of not dying prematurely. In contrast, the focus on freedom offers a comprehensive picture similar to the concern for “quality of life” or a “good life” that has deep roots in the history of social and economic thought. Freedom-based thinking also offers a solution to debates about whether economic development harms a people by disrupting their cultural traditions. The criterion of freedoms suggests that preserving those traditions can be a legitimate goal if, and only if, the people in that society as a whole (and not just the cultural or social elites) freely choose to value those traditions. If those traditions intrinsically deny a group of people the right to make choices (such as women in Taliban Afghanistan), then a freedom-based perspective will question those old norms. Debates on what constitutes true freedom will certainly occur, but that is a far healthier process than bracketing these fundamental questions in favor of mere GNP.

Chapter 2 Summary

Some development theorists argue for a tough, austere approach; they view things like democracy or social safety nets for the very poor as distractions from what is key to growth or as luxuries to come later. However, Sen’s theory of freedom as being both the primary goal and means of development falls on the other side of the spectrum of opinions. While Chapter 1 focused primarily on freedom as an intrinsic good, this chapter details how it is also an effective instrument for positive development.

These instrumental freedoms can be grouped into five interlocking categories. First, political freedoms include the ability to choose political leaders, influence government policies, exercise free speech (including criticizing the authorities), and other civil rights. Second, economic facilities refer to the opportunities people have to access economic resources (food, money, etc.) for consumption, production, and exchange, including access to financial credit. If a nation’s economy is booming but a substantial minority is excluded, then economic unfreedom is still a problem. Third, social opportunities encompass opportunities that directly affect quality of life, primarily via healthcare and education. Fourth, transparency guarantees (disclosures, identity verification, and similar policies) enable trust in social and economic interactions while preventing corruption and fraud. Finally, people require protective security, which means a social safety net that guarantees food and financial resources to those who find themselves destitute.

Sen says that all these areas of freedom are interconnected, and the idea that only economic facilities matter is a myth. For example, Japan, China, and other East Asian countries had robust systems of education and public health before engaging in industrialization that alleviated economic poverty with impressive speed. In contrast, India lacked those social investments, and its attempts to modernize at the same time as China was noticeably slower. India, however, has democracy. Since independence in 1947, it has avoided major famines, while Communist China endured the most devastating famine in history as a direct result of the “Great Leap Forward” policies imposed by Mao Zedong. A sample of modern countries, from Sri Lanka to Brazil, demonstrates that countries can have success in increasing life expectancy with little success in growing GNP per capita, and vice versa.

GNP and social outcomes are linked, but one does not automatically follow the other. One recent study suggests that increased GNP only significantly increases longevity if it includes improved income for the poor and leads to increased public health spending. Sen advocates for a “support-led” process with early investments in healthcare and education, rather than assuming they will automatically appear later as “growth-mediated” theories assert. It is possible to find resources for education and healthcare improvements in poorer countries because the initial costs for those improvements are primarily labor and are therefore inexpensive. Britain, ironically, made its greatest strides toward improved health during the two world wars, during which malnourishment actually declined even as food became scarcer—this was due to new government policies and social attitudes toward sharing resources. Here, political freedom becomes important. Sen asserts that no modern democracy has endured a famine, however poor it might be.

Introduction-Chapter 2 Analysis

Sen’s initial chapters serve as an extended introduction that lays out his major themes while also providing a sampling of the evidence he will expand on in later chapters. For that reason, his arguments in Chapters 1 and 2 are more descriptive than explanatory; the broader justifications will follow in later chapters.

Early on, Sen establishes his theme of The Need for Holistic Measurements of Development. For example, in two introductory paragraphs, Sen uses both income and life expectancy data on African Americans in the United States, citizens of Kerala in India, and the people of China to show “the dissonance between income per head (even after correction for price variations) and the freedom of individuals to live long and live well” (5). In other words, he uses these three key examples to show that GNP per capita does not adequately measure quality of life. In Chapter 1, he presents numerical data to back up his assertion regarding African Americans in two graphs, and he also provides data about Kerala and China in Chapter 2.

While focusing on the inadequacy of reductionist economic measures of development, these examples also provide the foundation for Sen to demonstrate the importance of Freedom as the Means and End of Development. He is beginning to show the interconnectedness of different kinds of freedoms. Later, in Chapter 4, he analyzes the reasons for these gaps and shows that GNP per capita as a measure is a failure for measuring development; he does this by looking more broadly at other kinds of capabilities and their deprivations, such as civil liberties, participation in democracy, education, and access to healthcare.  Ignoring political freedom, for example, hobbles social development in a way that directly impacts quality of life. Establishing this fact in turn prepares the ground for his pro-democratic arguments for The Importance of Empowering Marginalized People in future chapters. Sen gradually builds up his arguments in this interconnected way, repeating earlier evidence and arguments to add new levels of context and analysis.

These first two chapters focus on Sen’s argument that more holistic measurements of development are necessary. He justifies the need for this book by showing that other commonly used measures of development fall short. In the late 1990s, when Sen gave his lectures that would become the subject matter of Development as Freedom, the World Bank and U.N. defined extreme poverty as living on $1 a day or less. This is an easily understood and measurable criterion for extreme poverty that seems like common sense. However, such a measure fails to consider other aspects of human development, variations in cost-of-living between countries, and ways in which the persistence of poverty grew from other kinds of deprivations, like political unfreedoms. In 2000, a year after Sen published Development as Freedom, all 191 countries in the U.N. and a number of international organizations (including the World Bank) agreed to the Millennium Development Goals that sought to achieve eight measurable goals by 2015. These goals included cutting the number of those living in extreme poverty by half (with poverty defined by income), decreasing unemployment, empowering women, expanding education, and improving healthcare (“Millennium Development Goals and Beyond 2015.” UN). These goals reflected a growing global consensus that simply measuring income levels failed to truly measure people’s wellbeing. Sen arguments helped shape that growing consensus, and he contributed to this international discussion about the measures and goals of poverty.

Sen justifies the failure of purely economic measures with both quantitative and qualitative arguments. He shows through statistics—such as African American life expectancies in comparison to white Americans or people in much poorer countries—that per capita income does not always agree with other measures of quality of life. He also appeals to common sense values, asking readers to imagine whether people would be happy if they were rich but denied fundamental freedoms. He uses examples from history to demonstrate cases when enslaved people had higher life expectancies or more material goods than their peers, but they still tried to escape their enslavement. Sen’s argument is that freedom, in all its forms, has a value beyond the purely economic; he insists that an adequate measure of development will look at multiple aspects of people’s wellbeing that reflect that variety of freedom.

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