
17 pages 34 minutes read

Derek Walcott

A Careful Passion

Fiction | Poem | Adult | Published in 2014

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Related Poems

Omeros by Derek Walcott (1990)

The Poetry Foundation has published an excerpt from Book Six of Walcott’s critically acclaimed book length poem, Omeros. Epic in scope, the poem incorporates and reimagines figures from classical literature, like The Iliad, recasting them to Walcott’s home country of Saint Lucia. In her New York Times review of the book, Mary Lefkowitz noted, “Mr. Walcott's epic is a significant and timely reminder that the past is not the property of those who first created it; it always matters to all of us, no matter who we are or where we were born” (Lefkowitz, Mary. “Bringing Him Back Alive.” The New York Times, 7 Oct. 1990).

The Fist” by Derek Walcott (1986)

Published as a part of his Collected Poems: 1948-1984, “The Fist” takes passionate love as its subject, like “A Careful Passion.” However, this short, 10-line poem diverges from the measured, detached tone of the latter poem, examining the impact of intense pain on the heart, ending with an exhortation to “Hold hard then, heart. This way at least you live” (Line 10).

The Prodigal by Derek Walcott (2004)

Another book length poem, The Prodigal enacts its title, moving among continents and cultures, before once again returning to Saint Lucia.

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